hApPy bEsdAy tO XerCra a.k.a. ziKri

hEpi beSdaY 21th aNniVeRsaRy!!!

hEpi beSdaY 21th aNniVeRsaRy!!!

today, 15th May is da the birthday of Ahmad Zikri Bin Zakariah(one of the this blog author!!)

wish him a good luck and may Allah bless his life!!!

member2 sume…

when the sem open we must baling telor at him…

i will make sure he doesn’t lari!!!…

prepare the telor from now

for now theres nothing to giv…

just a cake

21th bEsdaY cAkE!!!

21th bEsdaY cAkE!!!

but not to forget this 18th May….

Chief —> Zulkefli Zakaria 21th birthday also…

wish him gud luck n may Allah bless him!!!

k la…


p/s: not to forget the invitation to zikri’s sister weeding(click here!!!)

-post by-


31 Responses

  1. epi burfday to you mr xercra… n celamat menyambut ari tua anda…

  2. ucapa untuk xecra.. ko dah tua

  3. hepiii besday….
    smoge pnjng umor sokmo & success in watever u do..
    sila tuntut adiah ngan boss yer..

    god bless u alwazz


  4. aku tgg boss blk…
    biler die dtg umah aku kiter blk telo…
    start skang aku peram telo…

  5. adoih.. besday pn nk post gk ke..

  6. anybody please dig a grave,there’s a tragic murder will occur later.
    sorry.i mean 2 grave,there’s a ‘dragon’ that runaway from his death day,miahahaha!!!!
    and, dont 4get 2 meet ur lawyer to make last dying exhortation…

  7. ahah…
    zikri uda tue..
    mikin tue makin keding le plak..
    cian kna bayak minu susu tau..
    xpe2 nnt klo ak xkdekut ak adiahkan susu enline kat ko..
    smoge brtambah berat le sket..
    ak nak kna simpan telur gak ker??
    nk jgk merase baling kat ko nie…hehe
    pepe pon Hope ko HEPPY dgn life ko..
    cpt2 le dpt awek..cm da kemaruk ak tgk hehe

    Selamat Ari Tue..hehe

    • anlene ntuk para ibu sbb kurang kalsium..
      ak nk protene..

      xyah la.. wat masak makan lagi best..
      hehe.. awek?..
      jauh lagi perjalanan..

  8. ~~~Happy Birthday to XerCra..dah layak mengundi and kawen…hahaha…

    ~~~to Bos_naq
    aku nak join gak baling telo kat xercra..tp x leyh..so aku amanahkan ko as penganti aku..ko mesti baling 2 bijik telo kat die…nnt wit telo tu ko claim ngan topek…kahakahkah…

  9. better late than never..hepi bufday Xecr…hehe..da ley ngundila…bgus..bgus…

  10. happy bufday xEcr..hehe..better late than never…menum byk2 appeton weight gain taw..ahaks!

  11. aku terbg byk kali eyh..haha..saje je…igt error td…hahaha

  12. make sure i dont ruhn????..

    I challenge boss only to catch me if u can…

  13. belated bezday…
    ko nak adiah awek kan,nanti aku bg…hahahha

  14. epy belated besdey to xerc.

    to musang :
    dig la dlm2.
    masuk tv, astro, peti sejuk, katil n mcm2 lamtu
    sedap skit aku nk duduk. hehe.

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